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CCU Student Comments

This class has caused me to think much more about the product and less about the tactics when it comes to sharing my faith.  I believe if I can stay focused on who Jesus was, and less focused on the periphery, I will be more effective in ministry and live a more abundant life because the result will be a deeper relationship with Him.

I hope to apply the knowledge I have gained through this class to every aspect of my life.  Since, it seems, we are always selling something to someone, I would like to believe that this class will enable me to be more effective and cause me to consider the impact of the different “products” I sell on a daily basis in Spiritual terms.  In closing, I believe that God has a plan for each one of us and that it was not by accident that I was in this class at this time.  Prayerfully, the knowledge gained in this class will be used toward building on the eternal rather than the temporal.



Thank you Professor Ivey for all of your expertise in teaching this class. You are one of CCU's rarities that devote his whole heart into getting the student what he/she needs. Thanks for your insight and for sticking with us in this journey together. I hope that God blesses you and your family in all that they do and God has my permission to give you one of my blessings.

Thanks again,



Once again, thanks so much for your patience and understanding. Your class has been the best I have had here at CCU, bar none.




Thank you once again for all your patience and trust.  You are an amazing teacher and I appreciate you. 

Thanks again.




- Thanks for checkin up on me though, you do much more than the other teachers I’ve had.

THanks! :)



Hello Prof. Jim,

Your class is enjoyable. I love it. There is so much to learn mostly that it is my first time to study marketing. You are very dynamic and I am happy to be part of this. Thank you for letting me know that I can do the reasonable-that is helpful.




 I enjoy your "energizer bunny" style! Makes me feel that you are really in touch and care about our success. Thank you!



Profe (In Spanish)

Thank you for the extra tokens of education you are providing us.  I appreciate the additional topics you add to the class subject, I admit, I am learning a lot more from your experience and knowledge than if it was just a regular class.

Thank you,



I am enjoying the ride, Prof. Ivey. Thanks for your timely questions and willingness to have us delve deeper within ourselves to reach "far-reaching" conclusions.



We should all take a page out of your own playbook Prof. Ivey and utilize the paths of social media that we all use and share the difference maker in our life, Jesus Christ.



Thanks for your leadership Jim in this class!



Lest us not forget to thank Prof. Ivey as well for his educational insights and wisdom as well.  Thank you all!



As always thanks Prof. Ivey for getting me to think beyond the realms of just the textbook readings.



Thank you, Pro.Jim for these additional learning links. They make a big difference.



Thank you, Prof. Ivey for opening our learning channels and letting us explore marketing in a fun and enjoyable way.  We have been marketing players all along and didn't realize it or looked at it closely enough, like beneath a microscope ... and it is interesting our responses to things we have experienced.



Thanks for being uber involved and bringing up questions and sites that are relavent to marketing and "keeping the ball rolling" Prof. Ivey;)



Thank you everyone and thank you Prof. Jim. I have been blessed beyond what I thought I would be in this class.



As usual Prof. Ivey you are on top of what is trending.

Thanks again.



I enjoyed your class. Thank you for teaching us :)

Again, thank you for creating a wonderful learning environment :) 

God bless you!



It has been a pleasure to be in your class Prof. Ivey and I learned quite a bit of useful comparisons along the way between marketing and spiritual nomenclature.



Thank you for everything.  You are a great teacher and encourager.  I cannot even begin to tell you how much I learned, and how timely it was in my career.  God's perfect timing!  



Hello Prof. Jim,

Thank you so much for teaching us! I enjoyed your class the most. Again, thank you for your active participation in the class. 

God Bless you!




Jim- Thank you for all your wise words and posts through this summer class.



Thank you Prof. Ivey for a wild ride!  It has been quite a learning experience, and thank you for making it real



As I am doing my analysis, I am constantly reminded of practical examples and real life lessons professor Jim provided us in the class. The lessons I have learned from the class were really great.

Thank you professor Jim, and thank you CCU



Thank You Sir! This has been one of the best classes to date. I appreciate your enlightening insight and energy.



Professor Ivey,

I cannot express my appreciation to you enough! 

I just want to say thank you for your understanding and Grace you have shown!
God Bless good sir!
Take care,



Hello Professor Ivey,
Thank you for your response!
You have been extremely gracious to me!
I also want to thank you for your words of encouragement you have given me...they mean more than you know!
Take care and God Bless,


Thanks to you Prof. Jim for putting together a top notch class.  Looking back the structure and guidance that you provided for this class has been great!  I also really enjoyed and will benefit greatly from the additional resources, I have saved them off and will continue to use them.  Thank you for making this class memorable and beneficial!

-- B


I want to thank Professor Ivey for an amazing course with growing opportunities and in-depth discussions.

I can’t wait to continue this journey with you all in the courses to come!!!



Thanks Jim for all that you do. You have been great. You are too much – and that’s a good thing. Thank you.



I want to thank you again for all your assistance and grace you have extended to me throughout this course.  Additionally, I hope our paths cross again.
Take care and God Bless,


Hello Professor Ivey,

Thank you for keeping us in the loop!
I want to thank you again for your support and assistance throughout this course.  You definitely went above and beyond what you were required to do and I very much appreciate it!
God Bless,


Oh, Jim, you are terrific and you make me laugh out LOUD! Thanks so much for all that you have done. Be well.



Hi Jim!

I just wanted to thank you for being as active in the discussions as we (the class) are.  It really helps and it also shows that you are caring towards our educational experience!!


I thank YOU for the great advice! Very VALUABLE words of encouragement. I will heed them and of course "I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me.




And thank you Prof James for taking my phone call that day. It meant a lot that you took the time to sit with me and explain the assignment I was stuck on instead of just letting it go to voice mail.



Thank you, Professor Ivey, for facilitating great discussion and for always being accessible and quick to respond to needs!




I have really enjoyed this class. You made me think more about an issue, and look at more then one side. Thank You for a wonderful class and a better understanding. Awesome Class.



I really appreciate how attentive you are online.  

Thanks for your patience and your cool attitude.




- I appreciate the fact that you solicit feedback from your customers to continually improve the section and your teaching style. I appreciate your hands on approach in asking the class to present and furthermore to have "props" or real life examples of marketing ideas. I was able to visually learn marketing while I was also learning the specific concepts. I appreciate your experience and data from all of your life's lessons and how you incorporated them into the class material.

Thank you for providing us with an unbiased view of what marketing in the 21st century is, and how we can contribute in our daily lives.



Thank you for taking the time and acknowledging me!  I appreciate it.  I am looking forward to the upcoming classes as well.



Jim Ivey, I wanted to thank you for being so flexible.  I don't think that I would have made it through this class if you wouldn't have been.   Thank you in advance for your prayers and thank you for being such a wonderful instructor,



Thanks, Jim.  I appreciate the email, and your enthusiastic involvement in this class.





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